Health Office

  • Welcome to the Health Office!

    Your child may visit our school nurse throughout the school day for a variety of health services including: illness, injury, medication administration, personal needs, screenings, working papers, etc. Please note the following policies:
    Fever: If your child has a fever please keep him/her at home. Children with temperatures of 100.0 or higher will be sent home. We ask that your child be 24 hours fever-free before returning to school.
    Vomiting: Students who have had an episode of vomiting will be sent home from school. We ask that your child remain home if they have vomited within the last 24 hours.
    Medication: Authorization with the health office is required for all medication needs. Medication must be delivered to the health office by an adult with an authorization form signed by the parent and a provider. A doctor’s order is required for all medication including over the counter drugs. Until proper authorization is submitted, the medication cannot be administered. Medication must be delivered in its original container with a pharmacy label. If you need a bottle at home, request a second labeled bottle from your pharmacy for school. Medication cannot be administered until an appropriate container is received.
    Physicals/Immunizations: As part of your child’s requirements for school, a physical examination is required for new students, those students entering Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten and students in Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.  Documentation of the physical examination must be submitted to the health office within the first 30 days of the upcoming school year. If your child receives any immunizations, please provide a copy along with the physical.  Proof of immunizations are due within the first 14 days of school enrollment.  Failure to do so, may result in exclusion until documentation is received.  Immunization requirements may be viewed by clicking on the link listed on the Online Resources page.