District Office

  • Welcome to our Cincinnatus Central School website. Our purpose in renovating the site was to provide a more visually pleasant appearance, easier access to information, and a professional platform to showcase the many talents and accomplishments of our students and our school.  If you find our web site helpful please share that good news with us and do not hesitate to let us know if we can make any improvements as well.


    Cincinnatus School is a rural school of approximately 500 students (UPK-12), located in Cortland County, where our mission is “Cultivating a safe, engaging, and positive learning environment that prepares ALL Lions for their future.” Although we certainly work very hard to help our students reach their full academic potential, per the guidelines and regulations of the NYS Education Department, we are most proud of our reputation to do so in a very caring and nurturing environment where we truly do care for each and every one of our students as though they were our own.  Education is a public service and our life’s work. Upon your visit to our school, we hope that you will agree that we have created a child-centered environment where everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

    District Goals

    Goal 1: The students of The Cincinnatus Central School District will achieve academic excellence by demonstrating mastery level knowledge in the seven NYS standards [ELA, MST, The Arts, LOTE, SS, CDOS, PE/HEALTH/FCS] and proficiency in critical thinking, problem solving, team work, and communication.

    Goal 2: The Cincinnatus Central School District will recruit, value, and retain people who are dedicated to children, embody the values and ethics of the District, and demonstrate the skills and competencies necessary to achieve the goals of the District.

    Goal 3: The Cincinnatus Central School District will provide an optimal environment that is safe, nurturing, and a source of pride for students, staff, and community.

    Goal 4: The Cincinnatus Central School District staff recognizes the important role of the parents and community and actively encourages their involvement in the educational process.


  • Todd Freeman
    (607) 863-3200

    David Phetteplace
    Foster Care Points of Contact
    (607) 863-3200

    Bridgette Cook
    Homeless Liason
    (607) 863-3200